viernes, 25 de septiembre de 2009

Woodstock. Condado de Ulster, New York.

Durante los meses que he estado visitando el valle del Rio Hudson, he podido comprobar la extensa, variada y rica región que los americanos-neoyorkinos tienen en Upstate. Un pulmón donde poder respirar aire limpio y alejarse del bullicio tan sonoro de la city por unos instantes.

Cuando la gente piensa en el Valle de Hudson y Catskills, muchos de ellos se imaginan las misteriosas montañas donde Rip Van Winkle y el jinete sin cabeza cabalgaba. Tim Burton desarrolló una versión del relato en la conocida película Sleepy Hollow. En parte, es historia de la región, pero después de bastantes carreteras recorridas y rincones visitados, en nieve, niebla, sol y lluvia, he visto que el area tiene mucho que ofrecer.

Daneses e ingleses se asentaron en el Condado de Ulster, creando granjas a lo largo del valle del Hudson. Todas ellas muy bien construidas en momentos agraciados de paz y bienestar. Piedra, madera y ladrillo son los ricos materiales de aquella época que adornan un paisaje variado de colores. Aún así el condado no siempre fue tan favorecido...fue escena de conflictos durante la Revolución Americana. La ciudad de Kingston, que fue primera capital del estado de Nueva York sufrió los incendios de británicos. El area ha sido reconstruida a lo largo de los años y hoy Ulster es un estudio en contraste. Gente de negocios se han asentado a lo largo de esas granjas y artistas han abierto sus esudios y galerías. Nombres daneses de ciudades, recuerdan el pasado y propietarios de segundas viviendas han traido diferente cultura a la región. Casas de granjeros de dos centenarios y la llegada de gente creativa a lo largo de los años dan un aire bohemio a la ciudad de Woodstock. Durante los 30s los folksinger descubrieron Woodstock, mas tarde, la ciudad se convirtió en el "cielo" para la generación beat y después talentos como Pete Seeger, Bob Dilan o Joan Baez descubrieron la inspiración por la que Woodstock se hizo famosa. En 1969 un concierto (realmente a 50 millas de distancia, y en el condado de Sullivan) hicieron de Woodstock una leyenda en el mundo de la música rock.

Hoy, el aveces excéntrico lugar es un sitio para talentos - o no talentos - de todos los tipos. Las montañas que la rodean crean un dramático escenario para galerías, muchas de ellas, muertas de hambre, con el estómago vacío, pero con un cosquilleo en el mismo que te hace crear en un ambiente que lo permite. Una escultura, una pintura, un poema o un algo. Todo el que llega allí se siente artista. Quizá porque esas montañas que te rodean son un arte de la naturaleza.

domingo, 14 de junio de 2009

No terminaré la película tirándome por el Cañón del Colorado, como ellas hicieron y, aunque yo no sirvo de actriz ya me guiará Evan por el buen camino. La idea es llegar hasta San Francisco, donde dejamos el coche y volvemos a Nueva York en avión. En fin, como el año ha sido tan duro...demasiado trabajo... estress...grandes cambios...he decidido hacer un intenso viaje, para refrescar las hormonas y tener otras perspectivas y mas historias que contar...y antes de que alguien me pegue un bofetón os cuento el guión de la película...
Empiezamos en Nueva York, tirando hacia el Suroeste, esto es, pasando por Nueva Jersey, Delaware, Mariland, Virginia, Carolina del Norte y del Sur. Seguimos por Georgia, Alabama y Misisipí, todos ellos, estados supuestamente aburridos y llamados "Bible Belt"..."Cinturón de la Biblia". Te puedes hacer una idea de lo religiosos que son por ahí...Arkansas y Louisiana, sin pasar por New Orleans, que lo dejaremos para otra escapada para disfrutar con calma de esta zona que merece un viaje dedicado...llegamos a la desértica Texas, con Houston, Dallas o San Antonio y millas y millas de rectas carreteras, mucho chili y abundantes barbacoas. Una vez terminado este recorrido comienza lo bueno. Nuevo México...Arizona...Utah...Nevada...o, lo que es lo mismo...Río Grande, Montañas Rocosas, desiertos y cactus, The Grand Canyon o Río Colorado. Todos nombres atractivos que te ponen los pelos erizados. Vamos a Nevada, sin pasar por Las Vegas, que ya he visto suficiente en películas, pero bueno, hay que pisar la antigua colonia española, además de que hay que alcanzar California, tierra de vinos, agricultura y entretenimiento. Napa, Los Angeles y de ahí a la conocida Pacific Coast Highway, que te dirige, tras curvas y acantilados a San Francisco, ciudad de los valles y número 1 para todo americano. 

Excitada, encantada y, de nuevo...afortunada. Unas dos semanas de nuevas percepciones que compartiré en pocos días en España. 

jueves, 30 de abril de 2009

saquemos lo tirantes...guardemos los guantes!!

Hay muchísimas alternativas para hacer un sábado en Nueva York y, más…cuando sale el Sol…las nubes se levantan pero…no cae un chaparrón…que sí! que no! que no caiga un chaparrón…

Se trata de un sábado de 90ºF…saquemos los tirantes! …y guardemos los guantes!! Pospongamos la limpieza semanal de la casa, que en una semana estará de nuevo guarra! y salgamos a respirar buen clima…un paseo por Central Park...visitas a museos de todos los tipos...restaurantes de todos los colores... shopping... festivales de música o…por qué no? al Botanic Garden, un parque museo con festivales de gente paseando sus coloradas pieles. Un punto estratégico para tener un poco de todo en un día brillante. Sol, variados colores, deliciosos sabores, nuevas texturas, bienvenidas alegrías…empieza el buen tiempo!! Y ya era hora…tengo el reloj atrasado unas cuantas semanas. Ya casi en Mayo y yo…con estos pelos!!

Y con tanto frío como hemos tenido, pues claro, no nos hemos percatado de esos kilos de más…empecemos a buscar la dieta más eficiente, dejemos las hamburguesas y tiremos por las manzanas, siempre en el mercado de enfrente…

Y aunque a algunos no les hace falta…


A otros…hay que convencerles…

Pero en fin, no dejemos de salir, disfrutemos del día, aunque no hayamos tenido tiempo ni de cortarnos las barbas…

Aunque hayamos trabajado la noche anterior…”echemos una siestecita en el parque, que me han dicho que en España lo hacen todos los días y sienta muy muy bien!”

bailemos bajo los cerezos

sonriamos…que no es febrero!

o, para una foto…qué recuerdo!!


…No paro de aprender, no paro de absorber...y de beber...crianzas, reservas, tempranillos, cabernet, merlot o suavignon, bebiendo culturas, hoy todas ellas con algo en común…siempre una gran cola en el baño femenino.  Si es que con tanto sol y con tanta dieta…bebamos! purifiquemos!



Y es que todas las madres recordando: “Bebe agua y protéjete del sol, que te quemas los mofletes…”






Y solo los mas acalorados recurren a la sombra…


Pero no todos tienen la suerte de ponerse las tirantes en Abril en Nueva York, otros…se tienen que poner el cinturón…


“Cariño, no te preocupes que no está prohibido andar descalza…pero dile a tu padre que no ronque…”



Y como siempre, colores, razas, culturas, idiomas, risas, un gazpacho con los mejores ingredients, mofletes de tomates, cuerpos de pan duro, ajitos picantes, pepinos que repito y agüita… que rica!! todos frescos, sabrosos, de temporada…Gazpachito!! Llega el veranito!! Y hasta Libertad se ha animado a probarlo.



















lunes, 6 de abril de 2009

cheese hamburger, fried potatos and coca cola light, please

Due to many things in common, I decided to call my bike the same name that the old horse that carried the historic and dreamer Don Quijote de la Mancha. My Rocinante is not as famous as the real Rocinante, but he has become a fantastic gear to move into the city. Not as famous and historic as Don Quijote, although dreamer and absent-minded, I used to ride my old but strong red bike every day. The city encourages me, I feel able to do it, enjoying all kind of adventures. 

The difference became enormous between to riding Rocinante or not. Physically and mentally, even economically. Physically because you exercise while you are enjoying the environment. Also, the sport helps you mentally. Economically, because my “horse” doesn´t need to eat…only a repair from time to time.

Because the weather is getting better, I feel glad to see people riding in a city like New York, where everything is on the top. New York is the inventor of the new trends of each period. Millions of dollars are moved, millions of people use a new product that is well-known around the world because everything new in this moment in NY will be a trend in Europe in a few months. It´s a developed and modern city that is always ahead of the world, so I´m glad that every day more and more people ride their bikes to move in the city. This is a new trend of old European cities where is building new ride ways and the mentality of people is improving. We should think more of the big damage that we are causing to the nature just to the industrialization and pollution. Even the personal damage. Humans are becoming people more sad and unhealthy, claiming for phychologists, without free time and always focused in their jobs. Everything would be easier if we had our jobs near our house, we would have more vacations and we wouldn´t waste time on the train or in the car trying to arrive to Midtown. We get a bad humor that is brought at home and you finish the day discussing with your partner. Another divorce…enormous expenses. One of the first huge business of the country. 

The problem has increased substantially in the last years. Even more in the big cities, where people have no time to enjoy things with their families and friends,  cook for themselves having a healthy diet or do sports. For these reasons, riding the bike is a good way to balance our  hard lifestyle. Sport, nature, savings…everything sounds positive.

Europe is trying to mentalize and encourage the young population to change their usual transport. More ride ways are being created in the important cities and many people are beginning to ride their bikes. Even my sixty-year-old father. “Fatty” I´m very proud of you. Also, you won´t get a divorce...I´m very proud of Rocinante too who  he is able to cross the East River with more of thirty years old.

Because of this and because is New York, the capital of the image and the fashion, there are not fat people as we think. People care their bodies, they control the diet food not being easy. The cheap food is in every nook and cranny of the city. The known fast food is elaborated with rich ingredients unhealthy. The reason is that USA has abundant fields of corn. The pop corn is one of the most rich ingredients that you can find in every product of the supermarket. The country moves millions in this business. Everything is like a chain. 

1. People eat cheap fast food. It tastes better and it´s easier to prepare. Also you save valied time.

2. People get cardie sickness, too much “garbage food”, too less fresh food. Even the fruit and vegetables are made of chemical process. I´ve already learnt how and what to buy, what kind of oranges are the best…it´s not a joke. Every piece of fruit has a number. If the number begins by 4, it´s chemically disturbed. If it begins by 9, it´s organic. It means that hasn´t antibiotic and chemically. The meat has its trick too. Young girls advance their period with only eight or nine years old. Studies have demonstrated that so many hormones in animals has caused that disease. And as I told before, this is NY. In the middle of the country, obese people increase each year, They haven´t option to choose in the supermarket. Only hamburger and corn. The fresh juice consist of a sweet sirope tasting at some fruit.

3. Consequently, people need a doctor paying thousands of dollars for an insurance and  medicines. Another business of this country. 
It´s going to be very difficult to solve everything today. I may have an idea tomorrow. 

lunes, 16 de febrero de 2009


"It has been 60...and what about that? 60 are a lot. But, I don´t worry about that, I´m glad for my performances. 1 husband - who count at least as 8 -, 3 sons and 1 daughter. As a result, 1 son in law and 3 daughter in law. Pop and mum who had 2 children more. Amounts of nefews and even 2 cute grandchildren who enjoy every minute with. Parties and almost 3 weddings. Bea, What about you? 3 houses, sea or mountain? Working hard althought only 2 days every week for years and years. Much pounds of bottom but not too much wrinkles. It has added up almost 40. A lot of students and too much Kilometers... Castuera, Don Benito, Madrid, Castuera, El Pantano, Madrid. In every place a big closet full of elegants dresses and shoes. Espetos in summer and paella and pork in winter, and always cooking for hungry people. Excepting when I´ve had headache, I´ve behaved always with a good sense of humor, positive and optimist. I wake up every day being daughter, wife, mother, grandmother, ant, teacher, housekeeper and...yes, it has been 60. Who would say it?...". Those were a quick words of the famous hard worker grandmother. We putted the interview off due to she had to drive to Madrid to take care her grandchildren. She dissapeared in few minutes and since then we heven´t seen her. Anonymous informed us that she was deceived for all her family who gave her a big surprise for her 60 birthday. Also, they added that she was upset because she´d prefered to be with her cute grandchildren. In any case, we send her a loud "Happy Birthday" since NY. 

viernes, 13 de febrero de 2009

Once Upon a time...

Actually...I have no new stories to tell you. But, why not? I´m going to look for something that I´ve never  written. Or, if I did, it doesn´t will sound different in english, I´ m sure.  Also, the first replies that I received have strenghtened me, they have given inspiration to develop the stories that I´m sharing with american people, and although I have to invent them…and you pretend that you like them…but we are always pretending that we have enough time to write them and read them…well, I shouldn´t include myself, remember: I´m a iddle person...

So, I won´t write boring text in order that you continue reading my imaginary prose, and moreover , I´ll  try to find the most blue blooded prince in everyone of them, the most perfect beautiful princess waiting her handsome gentleman and the most exciting and hard battle faced by awful and tremendous enemies. The Lord of The Rings enemies are like shadows of characters compared with mine. I won´t forget either the strong and white horse which the radiant prince owns. But, I need to discover something new. Rocinante feels old in addition to his bright color…he´s red. But, with Rocinante or without him - who lately is getting fat owing to not crossing the river -, every story will be nice, full of thrilling events, I hope. 

Going back to the replies, I have to say that I´m very proud of them, actually, of their writers, because in a few hours I´ve had two and a half great ones. Al, uncle JA and sis, thank you for accompanying me in this hard task, I need you! I hope in a few days more people will do the same. Writing is more fun when you read my text. One feels motivated, creative and inspired if family and friends follow you sharing their English comments. 

But, as I lose myself in Valencia´s moons, going back again to the principal theme: stories and more stories, princes and princesses, love and battles, friends and less friends, past and future, remembering the first one and looking to the second one…because one is never focused on the day that one is living. That´s weird. So, today its friday -TGIF!!! (Thanks God It´s Friday)-, I´m going to put you in the picture, not about today, but I´ll focus on near futures plans, prioritizing some events that I enjoyed the last couple of weeks. Emphasizing the past and only informing about future, because all that I´ve lived so far is easier to write and all that I haven´t still lived, this is easier to imagine. In addition, I have characters for today and I don´t want to be beating about the bush…I´m very direct. First adventure: SUPERBOWL. This is one of the most famous event in this country and almost of this world, too. And because Spain tries to balance a little bit with the known Badajoz´s Carnival, Sevilla´s Holy Week and the whole country´s “august”, between others.  And, as again, I get a word in the edgeways…go back to the Superbowl, specifically New York´s Superbowl, that I Knew:

Pitsburg Stillers VS Arizona Cardinals, or the wrong way round, as you prefer. We were in a Evan friend´s home. It was around 6p, we were around 25 and all of us were surrounded by 50 pounds of food and more pounds of drinks, all this was disappearing while the game was finishing. That meant 5 hours eating and drinking, 50 eyes watching a flat screen and a kitchen full of 100 pounds between garbage and empty bottles of bear. I felt stuffed for the amount of unhealthy and American food that I tasted, excepting the spicy one which I couldn´t neither try it, neither smell it. It was three hours of a hard game, only practiced for strong and gigants player who would scared anybody in a lonely and dark street of New York.

My first American football game seen, too much rules to be learned in a while. The blue blooded prince only appeared at first of the story, I could see him only in the middle of the row, fighting against the second, the big Federer. And our first big, Nadal didn´t let him to win. Again, he did it. Congratulations blue blooded prince!

Finally the awful giants of my story began to fight between them. Pitsburg  Vs Arizona, being the first one winners of this famous battle watched by millions and millions of people, the majority from America.

According to Cathy, my english teacher - Cathy, I hope that I´ll not  have to correct too much -, those hours of TV advertisement are the most expensive along the year. I have on the top of my head around 3m of dollars for 30 seconds! Only the most important companies risk a lot of money in innovating and original advertisements. Ones are criticized and another ones are praised the next day for radio and newspapers. I couldn´t read the newspaper the day after of the event, because I was writing by the mine, The NatYorkTimes. I´m aware you have no time to read it, but if you do it, I hope you like it.   

jueves, 12 de febrero de 2009

Houston, we have a problem.

I don´t know if Houston is having a problem now. But what I know is that I´m just having a problem...stomachache, headache, dizziness, fatigue...not, mum...I´m not pregnant. Sorry pop, you won´t be grandpa yet...Are you breathing? Ok. I shouldn´t joke about this...
In any case, my problems are not too serious, they´re only funny because they´ll cause you problems due to I´m going to write in english everything that I want to tell about my experience in New York. Ufa! mum, are you breathing? and pop...are you laughting about mum...?

WHAT?? Fifth line of the first pharagraf. Read it again. 
HOW?? I don´t think that I get to write as funny as I did it before, but I´m going to try it. I promise.
WHY?? Practice, practice and practice. My purpose is to learn more english vocabulary and to feel more confortable with the language having new words and idioms in my mind. I´ll think only in english, I´ll read only in english, I´ll write only in english...although it will be like a book for a baby...I don´t care. I love books! I love children! So I imagine that I love children´s book!
WHERE?? WHEN!!! In the same place, at the same hour....very often. 

Ok mum, you´ll feel better when pop or uncle J. Angel translate my stories for you. As a result...I won´t receive many replies, I guess. But I can balance this lack with The NatYorkTimes´s blog. I enjoy with Gugu a lot...

After telling you about the problem of Houston and me, I´d like to gab with you about my last challenge in this intense, exciting and windy city. Yes, intense...although I´m an idle-unemployed person. Yes, exciting...although the cold weather is trying to kill me. Yes, windy...because of the strong wind, two people have died today in a construction building. That´s not a joke...But, talking about construction...a word that I´ve almost forgotten if not is because I had an interview today for a Real Estate Company. It was at 3p. It was near home. It was with the big boss was good. They built an important apartment building near Prospert Park. A building designed for the known architect Richard Meier. I´ve been reading about that, because it´s very interesting. I recommend that you do the same. It´s an intelligent building called ON IN PROSPERT PARK. Research it in google and, after that...cross your finger that I get the job! They asked me about my economic expectation...a small income would be nothing bad, but my goal is to improve my english (I repit again) and to get a fluent, persuasive, coherent language while I´m working in my field, that is...architecture?? writer?? I haven´t forgotten at all, but you Know that I´m as absent-mind as my father. When I was child I thought that he was miner...!! not comment. I´ve just learnt that he is writer...

To finish this first english text, I add you only a few random things about me and personality. Facts, habits or goals that I wrote for facebook and they will help to my family to understand me better, to understand why I am here, why I haven´t still gone to Spain, why I am not married...shut up, Natalia!! You´re going to loose your place in the inheritance...

Here it goes...

1. My conservative grandfather always believed that I was born two months premature. My mother was two months pregnant when she was married.
2. All the family was looking forward to the first girl. They took a misfortune when they saw the ugly baby that it was. 
3. From Madrid to New York, through Gerona, Cordoba, Huelva, Don Benito, Badajoz, Seville, Badajoz, Estepona, Benalmádena and Marbella. It has been 30 years of trip already.
4. In any case… the trip to the moon continues being my favorite trip. I use to go a short time every day. 
5. But I don´t have favourite book, neither film, food, artist, actor, architect or writer. Too many good ones to like only one. 
6. Basketball, padel, cycling, sailing, swimming or "open bar", but always growing with some sport. 
7. I´ve always been a good "open bar" player but, with the age, I need more training, altough I continue leaving the podium high (keeping a good score). My 16 year old sister will do it better than me.
8. And my sister: one of my loves. 
9. And my loves: I love them with intensely. 
10. And intensely alive every day. Tomorrow already will be another one. 
11. At the age of 6, like 20 wasps stung me in the ass. The swelling hasn´t yet recovered… 
12. I like getting to know all of you. 
13. I grew up without being outstanding in anything. Average grades, medium height, neither blond nor brown, nor good-looking nor ugly. The only unique thing was my last name. 
14. If I marry someday, I would not buy a $3000 dress for one day… we are crazy? 
15. But I´d spend it in a trip. 
16. I like the chocolate as much as the wine. And the wine as much as sex. And all of them, better in good company. 
17. And I am quite easy to take… but not to the bed. 
18. And I value the good manners as much in the bed… as at the table. I like the good education. 
19. I have always thought that if something bad happens to me it is because something better is in store. 
20. I am a very independent person, but I like to go accompanied: and luck never fails me. 
21. Because although without fortune I have always been very lucky. 
22. I prefer imperfection to perfection...and, that is not because my right foot is a bigger than the left one...
23. I have my first wrinkles, but it´s not from age, it´s from laughing every day. 
24. And open minded and respectful, I enjoy the sea as much as the mountains, the field and the city, white and black, lefts and rights, rich and poor. 
25. My present state: idle architect, freckled without complex without too many problems…

After my first english text, I wish you a good friday - for people who continue reading me every day -, good month - for people that prefer to read the spanish NatYorkTimes - and good semester for people who is making friendship with Gugu. Gugu, be ready for my comeback to Spain!!